Awareness Poster

In my 2024 Graphic Design II course, we were tasked to create a poster that related to a social issue that we were interested in. For my topic I chose lonliness among the younger generation, to encourage a more social, interpersonal lifestyle.

Especially since the pandemic, I think people might need a reminder that some of the best times can be had with your friends in person!

To start off this project, I knew that I wanted to go for a very glitchy, cyberpunk style. 

The left one was my first draft of the poster. It had a very different aesthetic direction from my final poster, but I wanted to test out various ideas and see how they would look. The poster on 

I got the idea of making a person having a nice candle-lit dinner with their phone, as a sort of dystopian analogy for being a little too addicted to your phone.

For the final we had to create a GIF version of our poster that was fit for social media use!