In my 2024 Packaging Design course, we were tasked with designing our own beverage company. We also had to create a packaging standard for different beverage flavors, including a carrier, and beverage vessels. I created Unison. A Hard Seltzer brand with a modern, nightlife aesthetic, made with real ingredients!
Here are some of my initial ideas and sketches for the logo and brand name. I really wanted to convey that modern, sleek, feel. So I used very angular fonts as well as a lot of custom lettering to achieve this.
I narrowed down my options to the three above, the only differences being fairly minimal, I had figured out the general shape of the logotype.
Eventually I decided to go with the option in the middle because the u and the n were the most legible in that version. The final logo is made using custom lettering, I did not use a font!
The images above were my moodboard, I wanted the feeling of fluid, neon, nightclub...
This wrap was my first draft. I had decided I wanted to use a tall 12oz can as my beverage vessel form. This itteration has little coloring, as it was mainly created to lay out where I wanted my information to go. As you can see, my logo was not in its final itteration here either.
This is my second draft of the wrap layout. I added in a linear curve pattern, mimicing lasers, and also adding a cool visual interest to my can. I also solidified that a black background would be suitable for my brand’s visual identity going forward.
Before embarking on the final itterations of my can wraps, I needed a solid color palette. Above are my choices for the final colors of each can’s wrap.
The final design has a unique presence, and I’m really happy with the way it turned out.
Here are my three final designs for my can wraps!
Above is my initial draft for my carrier package
Above is my final carrier design, and below is the final beverage vessel system!