Song Lyrics Poster

In my 2024 Typography II course, I had a project where we were tasked to find a poem or song, and synthesize the lyrics into a pair of posters. One being an image based poster, and one being soley relient on type layout!

The song I chose is called Paradise (Kill the Silence) by coldrain, a Japanese Rock band.

To start out our design process, we highlighted several words that we would like to be the emphasis, and thus the anchorpoint of our design. I narrowed down my selection to the words dreams and isolated.

I sketched out several type treatments for both words, and in the end I chose the option on the bottom left, and began some initial layout design.

To create the color palette I was going to use, I found stock images that related to the vibe of the word dreams, and picked a few colors to get an idea of where I wanted to head with the colors of my final layout.

This color palette is what I ended up going with, it takes the creamy pinks and oranges and contrasts them with a dark off-grey green.

These were the refined two-color layouts. I tried a different color combination for each composition, so I got a sense of what directions I could go in. But I was nowhere near done.

With these four explorations, I started to add images into my compositions. As you can probably notice, some of the layouts are the same as those in the two color explorations. Some of the images actually inspired me to create brand new layouts, such as the three on the right!

I then experimented with different pairings of these layouts with some layouts with purely typographic treatment.

Although I was quite pleased with all of these pairings, I ended up chosing the pair on the right as my final poster duo!